how could i explain the reasons to quit my previous job and what are the better reasons to quit my job?
1 3625Post New SIS India Interview Questions
What new futures added in css3 for borders and how browser support it?
What are the ddl commands?
What is debug mode in Winrunner?
What are the major steps in developing an effective marketing program? Can you develop a communication program for a television company for the indian market? How effective arc road shows?
How do I open a jshell in cmd?
10. Why mainframe testing is so important? Give any three advantages of Mainframe Testing?
How many link types are available on the datasource?
What are the capabilities exactly you look for while selecting the performance testing tool?
What is gr/ir? What journal entries we should pass for this?
What is the difference between cybersecurity and information security?
wat is meant by PX class in ct?
Explain control data for scheduling agreements.
How we can make sure new service is ready for the products launched?
What is a fault?
A flange is used for instrument connection for a system with a design temperature of 316C (600F) and a design pressure of 1000 kPa (145 psi). What is the class rating of the flange to be used for this application? Explain your answer