What is rule regarding overriding equals and hascode method?
Why do you think PPC is important in digital marketing?
What is "per call" instance mode in wcf?
How do I send really complex mails from the workflow?
What are the different datacenters in cloud computing?
whou haat goals do you have in your career
What is serialization in spark?
Define voltage controller?
What steps would you take to nurture commercial awareness and a sales focus in this customer service team?
What are the different types of control structures?
On what basis name node distribute blocks across the data nodes in HDFS?
What is the difference between truncate and delete? Why is one faster? Can we rollback both? How would a full table scan behave after?
What is the use of aggregate functions in oracle?
What is the easiest way to save a chart so you can use it another document?
How peoplesoft hrms stores data?