why do u want to join hotel management, why not medical? what is ur weakness? what is ur strength? why do u want to do industerial training from Taj mahal Hotel new delhi? whats ur career objective? what facility are given in five star or 5D hotel? what are differences between 5 star & 3 star hotels?
3 9068Post New Fortune Interview Questions
What os do hackers use?
How will you create a helper file in laravel?
What term is used to refer to the first domain created in a new active directory tree?
What are service containers?
What do you understand by apply and unapply methods in scala?
What is test case generator?
What are the parts of network management system (nms)?
There are a trformer and an induction machine. Those two have the same supply. For which device the load current will be maximum? And why?
How to convert milliampares into flow??
what is thread? What are the high-level thread states? : Java thread
What are the tools in java?
What is your understanding of Artificial Intelligence?
declare an array of structure where the members of the structure are integer variable float variable integer array char variable access all elements of the structure using dot operator and this pointer operator
Doesn’t google have its very own version of dfs?
explain me disk quota in detail and configuration details in linux operating system?