How to find the second largest salary in the emp database and also How to find 3rd,4th and so on ........ in the emp database plz mail the answer @
35 54994Post New Scend SQL Server Interview Questions
what is self join and what is the requirement of self join? : Sql dba
What is the difference between test () and exec () methods?
What are the different steps in a shopping cart wizard?
win 3.1 is
Is vtg is controlled by the resistor? if else how much?
Slip joints are provided in the propeller shaft a) To adjust the inclination of the propeller shaft b) To adjust the length of the propeller shaft c) To prevent the whirling of the propeller shaft d) To adjust the up and down movement of the rear axle
Explain how can you check whether namenode is working beside using the jps command?
From your test script how you can create html test report?
What does the f1 key do in word?
How to combine two excel files with same fields but different data (different years)?
What is the difference in using Action interface and ActionSupport class for our action classes, which one you would prefer?
What is distance from the earth to the moon?
How do you handle tsl exceptions?
Enlist the advantages of using c over perl?
What is event in java?