Table student containing 2 columns,Join date,Employee name. Under join date 4 rows r ter =1-jan-2008,2-feb-2008,3-mar- 2008,4-feb-2008.Under Employee name 4 difeerent names jaison,robin,binoy,rahul Result set is, Table containing 4-column name=jan,feb,mar,april,,beneath these months count is given as 1,2,1,0 means these counts representing number of emplooyees joined in a month(january 1employee,february 2 employee,march 1 employee,april 0 employee) Can you give me the required sql query
3 6543Post New RND Soft SQL Server Interview Questions
Define a linear and non linear data structure.
What is meant by string is immutable?
How do I import an xml file into excel?
Why Java is not pure Object Oriented language?
How do you show hidden tabs in excel?
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Can an interface implement or extend another interface?
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What are the different types of software risks?
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Which are the companies that you would love to join other than accenture?
What is an object repository?
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How can we implement a jsp page?