What programming language is magento?
Briefly explain each of the following terms related to relational database management system (rdbms) – database, tables, columns, row, primary key and foreign key.
Is java jre still free?
Explain the etl program with few examples.
Describe, in general, how java's garbage collector works?
What is the use of slug in laravel?
What do you do when windows fails to start?
what is servlet chaining?
What is 'Application' in Scala or What is Scala Application? What is 'App' in Scala? What is the use of Scala’s App?
Are Crop varieties like sugarcane or potato produced by clonal selection are in heterozygous condition?
Describe a challenging aircraft design problem you've encountered in your studies or career and how you approached solving it.
Data structure used to implements a menu:
Explain perl. What are the advantages of programming in perl?
What are .js files?
What are # preprocessor operator in c?