What is Defragment?
Tell me an array [1,2,34,5,6,7,8,9], product it using a method?
Explain the Use of manometer.
What are sleeve and cotter joint?
What is modular automation?
Can we insert data if clustered index is disabled?
How will you add/edit users in Joomla?
Is c# an open source language?
Critically examine the importance and methodology of case study. What are its merits and limitations?
Explain system.config.ts file used in angular?
Can you enumerate the various differences between supervised and unsupervised learning?
Explain the difference between shear and tensile strength.
To be able to use the ui theme designer, which internet communication framework icf nodes should be activated?
If the second page is not triggering what is the problem?
what is the basic need for tech..test?