I want some common questions which have been asked in interviews of NTPC Limited,Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd.,and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.
Which are the nucleotides “portions” that bind in the formation of nucleic acids?
In accounting, are assets a permanent account?
What are the other notifications?
how can you take care of mutual exclusion using java threads? : Java thread
Explain Fundamental Analysis.
Which key is used for Cloning along with Clone Stamp Tool?
Give the classification of immunoglobulin molecules?
What is the latest version of joomla?
What is gradients?
What is pole of the system?
i have table as source table and flat file as target i need yo perform some logic in loading the data. is it posible? and one more thing the no of fields in source is 200+ and for target is 30+ how i can map them.........
Do you need __ init __?
what is uncommittable transactions? : Transact sql
How can you close the second opened browser?