can any one post the format of tracebility martrix Plz...... Maid Id:
If you installed a module with pip but it doesn’t import in your idle, what could it possibly be?
Is gmail or hotmail better?
What do you expect from the organisation?
What is difference between vbscript and vba?
How many bits are used to represent unicode, ascii, utf-16, and utf-8 characters?
what is a Additional domain ? what is a child domain?
When you prepare Profit and loss A/C either you will get profit or loss but not both.Then why we are saying it as profit AND loss A/C,why cannot we say it is as Profit OR loss account?
Which is better bubble sort or selection sort?
Explain accessibility testing and its importance in the present scenario.
In a memory when you Box and Unbox a value-type what happens?
What is a premium'? : insurance sales
What are the different types of navigation commands?
What is the table & field to identify the no of items (bottles) stored in one case?
What is the difference between a view and a stored procedure?