What is a Breadth First Search? Give a few of its applications.
Explain the major components of apache storm system?
Is there a way to detect whether fbclient.dll or tbembed.dll is loaded?
What do you understand by the cashless economy?Does it have any pros and cons?
What is the purpose of a field in a database?
How can you find out what kind of stainless steel was used in making a stainless object?
How many types of local tables are there in sql server?
What is ancestry in Spark? How adaptation to internal failure is accomplished in Spark utilizing Lineage Graph?
What is the temperature and time employed to sterilize the articles in hot air oven?
Can you explain various data region available in ssrs with their use?
Write a program to find the duplicates in a list?
How is cad used with electronics? Give example.
How much Tolerance factors like 1. brick work 2.plaster 3.painting 4.floor tiling 5.wall tiling 6.shuttering 7.concreting 8.steel
Which java class handles the Input record encoding into files which store the tables in Hive?
How do you check if a file is corrupted windows?