What is entity drupal?
How do you create an array in php?
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What task does modeling studio perform?
What is a web service in .net?
What if we dont use doctype in html?
What does spring transactional annotation do?
What is the difference between interface and inheritance in c#?
How to install django ?
while loop contains parts a) initialisation, evalution of an expression,increment /decrement b) initialisation, increment/decrement c) condition evalution d) none of the above
Can any tell me ECC 5.0, ECC 6.0 Released year? and difference between them?
Hello friends..... Can any give the methods for Ms-Access, and Mozilla firefox in Automation Object Model in QTP. Please give me currect answers... if you do not understand my question please don't give answers. Thanking you.
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What is the agent in artificial intelligence?
class CTest { public: void someMethod() { int nCount = 0; cout << "This is some method --> " << nCount; } }; int main() { CTest *pctest; pctest->someMethod(); return 0; } It will executes the someMethod() and displays the value too. how is it possible with our creating memory for the class . i think iam not creating object for the class. Thanks in Advance... Prakash