Where does the entry of TDS payable, sale tax payable, service tax payable will appear in Balance sheet or profit or loss a/c?
12 37486Post New PPS Taxation Interview Questions
What does in makefile do?
The user wants to launch a linux instance in aws ec2. While configuring security group, the user has selected ssh, http, https protocol. What is the need to select ssh?
How does lazy evaluation work in spark?
What are partial, alternate, artificial, compound and natural key?
Why is spring preferred over struts?
How do you define tax relevancy of master records?
How do you do type check in ReactJS?
What is GUID in sql server?
Write the code to sort an array in numpy by the nth column?
What applications work with hacmp?
Can you reformat a corrupted hard drive?
Describe your experience with the design and implementation of standard & custom infocubes.
Is it possible to make httpservice requests synchronous in adobe flex?
How does jcl act on a cobol code?
What is QTP scenario.