What are some techniques to improve LLM performance for specific use cases?
What is Sampling for length measurements?
UG cable sizes were specified in sqmm. But practically its not coming to mesure. What's the reason for that? And how they specify the size of the cable?
What do you understand by pl/sql packages?
Which all field data types can be used as external ids?
How do I get old games to work on windows 10?
Is red black tree balanced?
Can you delink a payer from a bill to sold to ship to and then create a new payer on the existing bill to sold to ship to, this is where a pub or club changes licencees and we want to icolate the debt from the old owner but keep the sales history on the ship to/sold to
What is stool or how will you troubleshoot splunk configuration files?
how to implement some securty aspect in our application i.e 1.cookie poisioning. 2.data encryption. 3.forcefull browsing 4.sql/code injection 5.securing web app by using web services ........my question is how to implement these thing in our application is this done by hard coding or by help of some tool
Is it better to use a pointer to navigate an array of values, or is it better to use a subscripted array name?
What are nodes in javascript?
What are the steps to create a macro in ms word?
Who many vpc, internet gateway, customer gateway, vpn can be created per region.
What is m way tree in data structure?