what is the current salary package in India for a PHP & MySQL programmer who has 3 years experience
127 216914If i make my selection in State Dropdown list, i would the City and ZipCode dropdown list to be automatically reupdated based on the State i select.(This to avoid the user select a City or Zipcode that does not correspond to the State previously selected.)
2 5406Post New PHP PHP Interview Questions
Differentiate between the singly linked list and doubly linked list.
What is difference between yielding and sleeping?
why only exciting current is shown not primary current in transformer???
What is the use of detailed category in configuration?
What is google fetch?
What are the critical issues you have resolved in your company
For a webbased application:- what should be code in expert veiw, for retrieving a single column name "username" from a server and checking whether exported "username" from datatable doesn't exist in server. suppose i have saved in excelsheet a username="gayatri" , which is exported, then checked for whether this username "gayatri" exist in server database or not ? if exist then allow to enter new username, which should be again checked for in loop , or else come out of loop and enter a distinct "username". plz let me have this answer in my id gayatrisahooin@hotmail.com
I want to create a set of portofolio for increasing the chance applying as a SQA Tester, the Question is, What kind of thing that must I put on that Portofolio?
name poneno dept sun 9894433467 computer This is the xls sheet a programs written to transfer this data into database write test cases and test scenario?
Come up with an algorithm to shuffle a deck of cards. Discuss how uniform a distribution your solution would achieve, and how you could potentially improve upon it.
What is use of arraylist in java?
What are class events?
What are the difference layers consists in Cloud Computing?
What problem does Delegate Solve?
What is nose python?