how to calculate sizing of NGTR (Transformer rating,Loading resistor value and Current rating of resistor) and what is the X/R ratio. Details : 11kV,Capacitance 1.73532 micro farads,40kA for 1sec.
Who is asp in police?
What are parameters in a method?
A variable that is defined in a specified portion of a program but can be used throughout the program a) global variable b) local variable c) character d) none
How is security handled?
What are the different types of C instructions?
What is the use of request dispatcher interface?
how strcpy usingrecursive function
I am trying to create a new universal user group. Why can't i? : java security
How is anchoring different from docking?
Explain iglistkit?
Can We Use SAP Hybris As A Fully Fledged Content Management Solution?
What is the difference between == and === operator in PHP?
Does dual boot affect performance?
Pl. brief about break-down maintenance of machine tool.