What is sapnet?
What is socket programming in java?
How to create war file?
An inversion is an array of numbers is any pair (i,j) such
that i
Usually how many members work in a project & how members are now working in a project. If there r difference between the above two questions why it is so?
Define "PageRank".
What is encapsulation example?
Given an array of size n+1 which contains all the numbers from 1 to n.Find the number which is repeated in O(n) time.How do you proceed with the same with floating numbers from 0 to 1 instead of 1 to n?
What is a treemap chart?
What is the difference between the usage of an id and a class?
What is the use of Imagelist Controls ?
How would you make a python script executable on unix?
Can we define our own match code id's for sap matchcodes ?
What do you understand by synchronization? Why is it important?
what is the main function of fork() in cgi programming?