when u creating infoobject it shows reference and template what is it
What is equivalence class?
What is meant by a “baseline date” in sap ar and ap?
Does partitioning improve performance sql server?
what is conceptual model?
What are the advantages of quaternary ammonium compounds?
What is difference between iterator and enumeration in java?
What is traceur compiler in angular 2?
How old is unix?
Explain delete actions & its types?
Can we use views in stored procedure?
how to reduce size of column 450 x 750 to 230 x.... if it is cut in area of bathroom? means it appears in bathroon any shifting or any other option....building is g + 10 and the bathroom is at first floor...
Given the first and last names of all employees in your firm, what data type will you use to store it?
You look at the dba_rollback_segs view and see that you have a large number of wraps is this a problem?
What is boxing? Explain its functionality?