What is typescript? What is the need for it in angular2?
What is the basic deference between goals and objective?
What do you comprehend by the composition arrange?
Can you give some examples of tokens?
How does one use sql*loader to load images, sound clips and documents? : aql loader
Explain the maximum number of pcbs allowed in a psb?
What is the difference between Mild Steel and Cast Steel with full chemical composition and application details.
How a user’s ruleset list is formed ( the logic )?
Will silverlight-based applications and content run on any web server? What are the benefits to running it on servers running windows?
What is target load order?
Explain Spark Core?
Can we have any code between try and finally blocks?
Tell me how can you explain the basic accounting equation?
what happen ehen synchronisation is done at below rated speed
How can be determining the size of the log files?