wat are the transmission losses.... how can it be compensated....... wat s power system.......
1 5236Post New NPC Interview Questions
Dis advantages of XML checkpoint ?
What is return keyword in java?
Is python a single inheritance?
What is sql constant?
What are the different query areas related to infoset ?
which is better to use svc or synchronous condenser why ?
Tell me what will be the output of an application engine to use component variables instead of state record?
i have table as source table and flat file as target i need yo perform some logic in loading the data. is it posible? and one more thing the no of fields in source is 200+ and for target is 30+ how i can map them.........
How can Configure the SSP in SP 2010?
how we can find sieve #4 is 4.75mm?
What requirements does a company need to comply with before accepting the deposits?
What version of websphere software is required to install websphere clustering? How would you configure websphere for clustering: list basic steps?
Explain promise in javascript?
What is world wide web?
What are packages in java?