Hi to all abap guru's my question is how to print the page numbers like 2 4 6 on all pagess in smart forms means 2 on first page 4 on second page thanks in advance
1 3389How can u decide that how many records can be displayed in one page in scripts ? or in one window ? 2. what is enhancement category in transparent table ?
6 9566A database table contains 3 fields(Student_no,Section,Total_marks).I want retrieve top 10 students from each section.Note:(Section contains data like A,B,C.Each section contains more than 10 students).
7 8914Post New Enteg Technologies SAP ABAP Interview Questions
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Does uninstalling a program delete it?
Describe the grant/revoke ddl facility and how it is implemented?
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Explain Customization process?
In which files routes are defined in codeigniter?
How to test a cube?
What is an interface in angular?
What are financial functions in excel?
How can you relate the goals you have for yourself to the goals of Rolls Royce?
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What is fact? What are the types of facts?