Dear Sir, I am working in account department. I want to know, Why service tax rate is change in every type of service. For Example - Rent Bill Service Tax Rate - 10.30% Taxi Bill - Service Tax Rate - 4.12% Why it change
Dear friends, i would like to know that what is the exact function of 'exciter winding' & 'aux winding' in Alternator?
do we need to write test cases for workflow of the product for instance: there is 2 module "TRAINING ASSIGN MODULE" and "EMPLOYEE" in TRAINING assign MODULE iam assigning training to employee setp is 1.selct traning "oracle" employee u want assign "peter" 3.apply. now to check whether training assign or not GOTO EMPLOYEE module on "peter" on 'view assign to employee' this is a flow do i need to write test cases for this fllow.plz help me guy mail me
What is the speciality of python?
What is the purpose of base address in wcf service? How it is specified?
What is laravel good for?
Is a secondary key the same as a foreign key?
What is meant by Output Value in UFT?
What is rxjs?
in dissolution if one bowl got 70 percent 2nd bowl got 80 percent and 3rd bowl got 90 percent then how proceed?
What are the different kinds of tags available in XML?
What is DDE?
What do you mean by reverse routing in laravel 5?
what are the differences between 'exhaust fan', 'heavy-duty exhaust fan' & 'super heavy duty exhaust fan'. what are their power ratings ?
What are the most common InputFormats in Hadoop?