What are the update types possible?
Difference between services in Services in farm and Services in-service.msc?
Can you explain the elementary process?
Is spring a singleton component?
Which kernel is used in android?
Knowledge on what are the improtant characteristice that we need ot consider while developing an ETL Code
When you deliver your C++ headers and C++ library of a class (what all can you change in the class so that application using your class does not need to recompile the code)
Difference between load and get?
What is msdb database? : SQL Server Architecture
In blue prism the queue contents list can be exported as what extension?
Is treeset thread safe?
List the types of messages in mqseries?
Explain where does jaxb compiler is located?
How to start and stop database control?
What are steps we have to follow in designing the userfriendly universe?