Do you know nested transaction?
Describe the complexity of Binary search, Quicksort and various other sorting and searching techniques..
How do you search for a specific word in a word document?
What is daemon?
Explain the four ways a horse moves?
can you tell me how to write test cases for payments, receipts, inward clearing, outward clearing, A/c statements ?
what does mean by kva rating
Which command should you use to find the remaining disk space in unix server?
what will be density of a cement bag if its weight and volume are 50kg and 1.25 cft respectively???????
How do I register mscomm32 ocx on windows 7 64 bit?
Explain html background.
What is detailed category in configuration?
Dear All we are having a problem in G120 BOP showing alarm A0503, F0052, F0060 we can not remove fault alarm ,Please any body help us. kowsar
In Python what is slicing?