What are lightning events ? Where do you use them ?
What is concurrency? How will you avoid concurrency when dealing with dataset? (One user deleted one row after that another user through his dataset was trying to update same row. What will happen? How will you avoid the problem?)
how to write test cases for online restaurant table booking system?
What are the data manipulation commands of hbase?
What is the difference between Runout and Total Runoutvv
Is it possible to pass the dynamic values to views?
Does the internet need iot?
Give us high-level technical overview of corba?
What is asp.net localization?
explain the difference between oracle- sql and sql server sql ? if both are same y we r using 2 sw.s?
how you can avoid un-necessary logging information from being stored?
What is sphinx python?
what is conteolling?
How do you keep a cell constant in an excel formula?
What are actions in mvc?