Are dialogue tags necessary?
i am going to correct power factor of 1600kw induction motor,when i calculate capacitance of capacitor it is three time more in star connection than delta. if motor is star connected which connection i shall adopt for capacitors and reason for adopt this connection
What is meant by selection bias?
How to copy file from one location to other using java DSL in camel?
What is entitymanager in jpa?
How many tabs ms powerpoint?
Mention what is the difference between nodupkey and nodup options?
There are two buildings one taller and one shorter whose time period will be grater and similarly the frequency ?
Can any one tell me.......How the test engg's start testing in the compy environment.....real time tester PLSSSS help me i need in depth information regarding this...
What is solver in excel?
what is an extent in informix?
What is a server farm in iis?
What are binary resources in wpf?
What are the field status groups?
What is auadag?