What is the benefit of using an enum rather than a #define constant?
Who is the CEO of TCS?
How to send crash report from device?
What aspects of the internet does internet marketing encompass?
What can operate over the joint state space? a) Decision-making algorithm b) Learning algorithm c) Complex algorithm d) Both a & b
Which of the attributes in the monitoring tab for a jdbc connection pool in the administrative console tell us how many clients are currently waiting for a connection? : BEA Weblogic
What is the return on investment (roi) justification?
You want to show equipment's characteristics in a list. How would you do that?
What is the vertical line character called?
how a data in physical and symbolic map gets treated? Since the physical map is much concerned about the screen alignment and the field positions, how the values entered in the field which has PICIN or PICOUT clause in Physical map gets treated? Does that mean datas recieved or sent to the physical map should be constant? How does the data in Symbolic map gets converted with 5suffix namely F,L,A,I and O. For example EMPNO is treated as EMPNOI, EMPNOO, EMPNOA, EMPNOL and EMPNOF. how does this happen in symbolic map. Please provide your inputs on the above and kindly correct me if I am wrong.
What is rownum?
What are merits & De-merits of State-Space Method? What is series programming, parallel programming, general programming & direct programming ? And, difference between these programmings Techniques ?
What is the syntax for FETCH in DB2 ?
Will python support object oriented?
I am preparing SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9 in 2014. If anybody has the latest dumps for this exam, please mail me at dhiman.mukherjee@gmail.com