What are the differences between a primary key and foreign key?
What are the common errors in microsoft excel?
How to test and to get the difference between two images which is in the same window?
How do you create tabs or indents in web pages?
Explain the working of roc curve?
What are ‘settimeout()’?
by writing MACRO CODE,i want to retrive data from one spead sheet to another UI (workbook). control will search cell by cell for each row and load the data in another workbook(UI). ex: custdetails custname lastname locaton mobile pincode custdetails raj tony hyd 555555 521245 servcreqrd srvce# srvcename location srvcepincode servcreqrd 754 drilling hyd 521784 for the above example in the another workbook retrive data like this custname Raj srvce# 754 srvcepincode 521784. while retrieving data control will search cell by cell for each row.
What does grep v do?
What is the icon for atom syndication?
Is there any way of passing values at runtime? Like scanf does in C.
How do the pan wala calculates his profit?
Is gtx 970 dx12?
List some features of javascript.
How often do you use social networking sites?
What does it cost to upgrade to windows 10?