What is frequency factor in massflow meter? When using frequency output?
What protocol does sql server use?
What does the content database handle in sharepoint?
Explain the meaning of java applet.
What is cds table function?
What is an assembly and its use?
What are the characteristics of web application?
tell me about tower of hanoi.
Why we use 4-20 mA Analog signal for the PLC input? Why not 0-20 mA? Why not 5-25 mA?
What is Small File Problem in Hadoop? How can it be resolved?
Can we maintain state in webservice?
How to check whether string is a palindrome, WITHOUT USING STRING FUNCTIONS?
9. Give me an example of a time when you motivated others, either in your community or place of work.
Difference between flex and flash?
What is http only cookie?