1. Give me an example of something you tried at work but did not work out so you had to go at things another way. can somebody give a real time example
2051Post New LKB Interview Questions
How to create an instance of the object in COM?
What is a commodity hardware? Does commodity hardware include RAM?
i got a backdoor offer in process global,Bangalore..Can i work with it?
What is cursor and its types?
How do I force an index to be used in sybase?
1. How can u know that the DB has connected to ur WLS? 2. What happen when u deploy a ear file in web applications? 3. What happen when ur DB and proxy server(Apache) are down n ur weblogic server is up? 4. How can u configure ur proxy server(Apache)? 5. How can the proxy server(Apache) communicate with ur WLS? 6. How the request process to ur WLS through the Proxy server(Apache)? 7. How can u know that ur heap memory is full? 8. When will u do garbage collection?
Have you have ever worked in unix environment and why it is useful in datastage?
What is the best database to use?
What is break mode? What are the options to step through code?
what is conductor constant of raccun conductor
Write a simple example for the clone() method.
Using an x- y coordinate axis, a parabola is represented by the equation x2 = 6y. The vertex of this parabola is at what coordinate point.
Anybody please send me the papers of the reliance exam (apti and tech) so that i can go through it) mail me at raminder_verma@rediffmail.com
Can we create a null as a key for a map collection?
Performace degradations in NFSv4 when upgraded from NFSv3? problems with NFS v4?