what is the difference betwen typed dataset and untyped dataset?in general which dataset can we use in programming?
708Post New EDS ADO.NET Interview Questions
What are friend classes? What are advantages of using friend classes?
#define PRINT(int) printf("int = %d ",int) main() {< BR> intx,y,z; x=03;y=02;z=01; PRINT(x^x); z<<=3;PRINT(x); y>>=3;PRINT(y); }
What is Search Factor (SF) and Replication Factor (RF) in Splunk?
How to do transaction/locking in mongodb?
How to design applications to handle connection failure in windows azure?
How do I turn off activex filtering in chrome?
Are actions thread safe?
Explain what is mvc application life cycle?
What is class??
Define the purpose of sim and rim in reference to the 8086?
What is pass by value and pass by reference? How are structure passed as arguments?
can any one give me the question bank for Lab Technician am going to appear for my HAAD exam on the 29/4/10. Please send me the Qs. my mail Id is petula_dsouzaa@yahoo.com Please help. thks.
How do I unhide multiple rows in excel 2016?
Please tell about the water type h.v.a.c with it's cycle and functions of each parts ?show me how talented u r?
Write the condition for critical point (a,b) to become a function f(x,y) maximum.