How is siebel 7.x architecture different from siebel 6.x? How is siebel 7.x architecture different from siebel 6.x?
How are Hierarchy() and Hierachybelongsto() different from each other?
What exactly is xml?
How to write a java code in an activity? Explain with a small example.
What is array and string?
which is not a benefit when adding a title in the document properties? : Adobe flash
How can I delete temp files?
Differentiate first angle & third angle projection?
Is sql injection illegal?
Define why iceo >> icbo?
How to write a code in tab control? : abap bdc
Describe the ear, war, and jar.
Can you think of a logic behind the game minesweeper.
What is dom in simple terms?
What is difference between save and saveorupdate in hibernate?