I am going to face an interview for lecturer for Management Faculty. Please suggest me the questions & their answers for preparation.
10 108645Post New Kalyanam Interview Questions
5S training documents
how can we done appllication deployment
What are local objects? : abap data dictionary
How to declare variable in typescript?
What are the various types of virtual hosts in apache?
How do SEZs help in the economic development?
What file created when you choose to create a domain in psadmin? From what order files is it created? Where is it located?
What are login hours and login ip ranges? : salesforce admin
In c programming, explain how do you insert quote characters (? And ?) Into the output screen?
What is difference between cookies and httpsession?
What is the cause of thrashing?
What is the use of filter in angularjs?
Explain access modifiers in java.
tell me the disaster recovery plan
What is color recipe?