What is main return c?
What is cui & gui?
Explain the features of blackberry?
What are the limitations of oops?
What are the different types of states in salesforce?
How do you initialize an arraylist in java?
how do you round the addition or subtraction of two numbers in assembler? what does the following code do? change process tool(code changes from dev to prd) the changes made to your code should be effected in live. How the process takes place. That is how can you move the code changes from development to production?
Do you know what is “yield” in ruby on rails?
What are different types of vuser logs which can be used while scripting and execution? What is the difference between these logs? When you disable logging?
Illustrate namespaces in c#?
A signal with 300 milliwatts power passes through 10 devices, each with an average noise of 3 microwatts. What is the SNR? What is the SNRdb?
What is discount accretion?
What is view engine in express?
What are disadvantages of soap?
What is a inode?