How does wordpress make money?
What is spring framework used for?
Explain the process how do we exchange the data from front end to server?
hi frnds,i'm srinivasa murthy.i've been selected for the interview by karnataka bank(clerical post).will u pls help me with some sample questions that will b asked in the interview? mail to or if u have free SMSs, message me to 9008874244.thank u a lot.
Hi friends did any budy attend accenture system test for qtp? if any budy pls drop questions.not only accenture any other mnc company which you attended system test(QTP)?it may helpful to others also
How do I make my entire wordpress site private?
What is feed factor and its Importance in cement industry? How we can solve feed factor?.
Why to use python numpy instead o f lists?
How can government stop cash flow in the economy?
If the meta robots tag has a value of “no index, no follow” what does it mean?
what is rating boiler
my table having data like this year month revenue 2011 jan 100 2011 feb 200 2011 mar 150 like this i want My report 2011 jan 100 2011 feb 100+200=300 2011 mar 300+150=450 like this for this where we specify the condition how will specify? pls ans me pls...
What is the maximum and minimum rating of UPS?
Explain the differences between table and db checkpoints?
How can I create content that converts?