Which oops talks about data hiding?
What are the two types of functions in c?
why c is called middle level langauge?
What is an escape sequence? Name some string escape sequences in c#.
What is p command?
What is the use of $routeprovider in angularjs? What is $rootscope ?
How do you wrap text in word 2010?
how to find out the damaged files in storagepool volumes? How to restore a damaged tape?
Explain spreadsheet and its basics.
any one can explain the stages of a knee point which is taken during ct magnetising curve.
What is #name in excel?
How good is salesforce when used in sales?
Can we use jms for sending automated e-mails?
How is token generated?
How to Create the Node file with 2 E1 (4+4+4) & EDAP.