Wrete a JCL to compare two files and mached records move to onc file & un mached rows wants to another file?
13 118784Post New DSRC JCL Interview Questions
Describe about Variable Frequency Microwaves and Microorganisms ?
Explain raise keyword?
What are the shared variables?
What is a web server log file?
What recent steps has PM Narendra Modi Government taken for betterment of Indian Economy?
What is spark shuffle?
What is the purpose of @key annotation annotation?
Is windows security the same as windows defender?
How does apex work?
What is the main difference between binary and counting semaphore?
Name some of the important modules that are available in python.
What does len () do in python?
How you will handle session when deploying application in more than a server?
How do you create fill in the blank lines in word?
Describe the concept of message driven bean clustering.