Anybody can tell me, how do we find second largest emp salary from emp table.. Thanks in advance ...
10 13695I facing problems while explaining project details in the interview...... can any tell complete project architecture that followed in companies
1 5929Post New ID Interview Questions
What would you like to improve the most about yourself?
Why do we use readonly in c#?
How do I save windows live mail to my hard drive?
Explain what is 301 redirect?
if a is an integer variable, a=5/2; will return a value a) 2.5 b) 3 c) 2 d) 0
What are roles in ai career?
Explain agile development processes?
What are :- AC Distribution Board (Single & Double Front) DC Distribution Boards Distribution Board LT Breaker Panel.
How to find the service pack installed? : sql server database administration
How to create static methods in Kotlin?
What is the difference between struts1 and struts2?
What is xslt mapping?
What is python magic method?
Please explain go command in sql server?
Explain what are the steps to do to use alerts in bo?