Explain about post-relational databases?
What do you know about the recent satellite launch?
what shall be no load voltage of 132/33 kV transformer ? is it 33 kv of 34.5 kV
what is schema of broker?
Explain the differences between exchange 2000 and exchange 2003?
What are your hobbies/ areas of interest?
Explain how Symbol is different from variables?
Oracle-HRMS, through SOE report i am able to view pay details of all employess but when I run a Payroll report/Payslip, im unble to view report nor print.
Write a program to reverse array in place?
How to deal with unreasonable customer demands?
What do you mean by latency?
Explain is it required to install gateway server before installing a siebel server?
What are the advantages of .net core?
Does there exist any way to make the command line arguments available to other functions without passing them as arguments to the function?
Difference between clerk and PO?