Which of the following is connected with blood pressure? 1 Liver 2 Testis 3 Pancreas 4 Adrenal
14 20235my problem is to export my report to xsl.i can do that.but the problem is my report has 3 headings first heading should be printed with the merging of (1-5)cells and heading 2 should be of merge(2-4)cells?how to do this condition?
2 5995Post New Dr Reddys Interview Questions
How can I make calculation to Install level transmitter (DP) for open tank and close tank
What if you have written your own element locator and how would you test it?
What are the tools in java?
Explain can large temperature differences in vaporizers cause operational problems?
What are the major differences between doget and dopost?
How you can reduce the resource requirement in jmeter?
How to get the last line from a file using just the terminal?
Can we add a cpu to sql server?
. How to know why the OPM job is in MSGWAIT state?..WHAT COULD BE THE REASON FOR it?
What do you understand by personnel structure?
What is the number of messaging models available on jms?
Why is python so popular?
What you would like to wear traditional or western ?
How do do a vlookup in excel?
if mineral admixture add into concrete then what is the differences between full cement concrete & fly ash added concrete of their SP. Gr.?and for the changes of SP. Gr. what is the changes in concrete