List some database related query function used in cakephp.
Define what is murrah?
Hi everyone,I have kept a project Sales And Distribution for a pharmaceutical company.can anybody explain one complex business rule that we had in our project and how did you accomplish it using DS?
How do you draw a line in word 2016?
What is the difference between posts and pages?
How do I limit rows in excel?
Which programming language is best?
Describe some of the standard spring events?
Explain '->' in perl?
What is the significance of method schema in product proposal?
In how many ways RDDs can be created? Explain.
What is ms excel pdf?
Mention what are the types of Http requests?
Tell us what is the difference between single slash (/) and a double slash ( //) in xpath?
how can you import .csv file in to sas? : Sas programming