Why we choose 400kv,220kv,132kv,66kv,33kv transmission voltages for transmitting power. Why not other voltage levels.
21 58930Post New HC Interview Questions
Why is jconsole used? What is it’s different elements?
What is the difference between gear motor and a stepper motor? Like i want to use gear motor for its excessive torque to move my robot. Can i use stepper motor instead?
What is currentthread()?
Can we use 230VAC, 63A MCB for 120VAC, 63A supplied heaters load?
What is the transaction code for assigning company code to fiscal year variant.
Is there a size limit to creating a Crystal Report? If I run a statement report for all customers it will crash if there are too many customers. I can print all the statements if I select them in batches, but if trying to print all at once Crystal will crash after a few minutes.
Between macros and functions,which is better to use and why?
How do we assign page-specific attributes?
What are the messages and the dynamic diagrams?
Does c++ support exception handling?
which gas is used in preaparation of bit salt
Can we use custom code in ssrs?
What is a checkpoint and When does it occur?
What are the different web-based tools available in hana xs? How do we access them? : hana xsjs
Which complex scenario do you automated and what is the savings realized in terms of fte as well as cost?