What is tty stand for?
What are "pure virtual" functions?
How can we achieve internationalization using angular 2 ?
What is panels everywhere?
What are respectively some remarkable functions of immunoglobulin?
explain the staffing percent
Difference between formula field and rollup summary in salesforce ?
Explain the disadvantages of viewstate?
whou haat goals do you have in your career
What is the difference between beanfactory and applicationcontext in spring?
What major clients have you closed over the last 4 months?
Explain the difference between tsq and tdq
What is command example?
I have an instrument that involves an electronic circuit. In circuit there is a PTC B754 (having operating voltage 230V). PTC is already damaged and same PTC is not available in market. Now what can i do to solve that problem.
Mention some of the specialized crushing methods?