Explain the synchronization points?
Will anybody tell me about types and numbers of sensors in toyota corolla gli,honda civic and suzuki cultus vxri???
1.can you use SCADA instead of DCS,DCS instead SCADA 2.Difference between DCS and PLC,can their role be reversed i.e. role interchange 3.Difference between RTU and PLC
How many excel functions are there?
career path of MIS Manager (non IT)
Explain Creating an Index?
if Paint Application shows error masg what we do?
What is parseexact c#?
What are thick customers and flimsy customers?
what are the types of cursors in DAO?
What are the basic characteristics of cloud computing?
What are the different types of dams?
Which reactor requires no moderator ?
What are distributed systems?
Do you know what the mean of cmm and tmm?