Do you have option to support elastic beanstalk for other languages?
Can you explain speculative execution?
what is the command syntax for inserting a document?
which methos do you invoke on the dataadapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
Give one example for each of conditional aggregation, non-aggregate expression, and nested aggregation?
How java is used in web applications?
What is the difference between stringbuffer and stringbuilder?
Explain ~/documents, ~/library, ~/tmp. What directory is ~ on ios?
What is soap? : salesforce integration
What are the containers in spring?
Name some usages of database trigger?
Tell us about a time where you worked in a group and a group member wasn't cooperating?How did you manage the situation?
i need of the bhel question papers along with answers and also give some website names for the downloading question (electrical and electronics engg question)please help me....
What is pg server?