How many jsp scripting elements are there and what are they?
Can you explain me how rails implements ajax?
What are the main elements of windows desktop?
What was the situation?
What is a WebService and what is the underlying protocol used in it? Why Web Services?
What are the advantages of using preparedstatement in java?
How do you want to contribute to the field of marketing?
can anybody sent me power grid questions. what subject should i prefer for preparation?
Hi send me the Teradata dumps to my id Thanks Rajesh. A
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Which operator is used in query for pattern matching?
Can you edit an exe file?
In wct limit is Rs.5lac if vendor provide bill below 5lac wct will applicable or it aggregate I need deduction of wct 5lac slap
What are the different opening and closing tags available in PHP?
What attracted you to Buffalo Wild Wings?