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DEWA Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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1 liter emulsion paint covered how much area?

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What is the difference between UPS & inverter ? which UPS is better and whos got the edge ? what is the difference between & inverter ? which UPS is better and whos got the edge 12 V , 24 V , 36 V etc what are the advantages of 12 V, 24 V , 36 V etc and what are the disadvantages of 12 V, 24 V, 36 V etc thanks


How do I count characters in excel?


Why don't signals work with the ORB reactor?


How to replace following lines, catch (DAOException e) { objLogger.error(this.getClass () + "addUpdateIssues() " + e); throw new BOException(5122); } catch (BOException e) { objLogger.error(this.getClass () + "addUpdateIssues() " + e); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { objLogger.error(this.getClass () + "addUpdateIssues() " + e); throw new BOException(5122); } Needs to be changed in to, catch (DAOException e) { AppException.handleException (null, null, e, null, null, null, "BOException", this.getClass() + "addUpdateIssues() ", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 5122); } catch (BOException e) { AppException.handleException (null, null, null, e, null, null, "BOException", this.getClass() + "addUpdateIssues() ", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 0); } catch (Exception e) { AppException.handleException (null, null, null, null, null, e, "BOException", this.getClass() + "addUpdateIssues() ", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 5122); }


What is C language ?


How to check CPU usage in EP? If java path is down the how to do trouble shoot? What is the transport group? What is the SLD system in PI? How to take back up in EP? How to create logical system? Is it possible to change the name logical system in SSC4? How you will take the online Backup and incremental Backup? What is the backup strategy? How many application servers you have in Production System? Difference between oracle 9i and oracle 10g? What is EHP4? What is your enhancement package and support package? how to find RAM size on Unix? How to find OS level at command Prompt? While doing kernel upgrade what is exe files? What is client comparison? How to apply job on Os level? What are the recent challenges faced? How to apply support package in solution manager? Difference between SPDD/SPAU If SAP* is not working ? If job is slow? how you will trouble shoot? What are software files required for SAP 4.7?


What is oracle sql called?


Is there any way to get Intelligence for Ribbon customizations in VS? If yes, how?


Host IP Address is?


What is the difference between yielding and sleeping?


What is Subgit? Why to use Subgit?


What are the two types of threads?


What do you mean by regression in machine learning?


Why would you use mongodb?


Define Public Expenditure?