how to calculate no. of earthing pits and their diamensions? no. of lightning arrester rods which are required to protect a building of 35 mtr and we calculate?
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Please tell me how to discuss about the salary in the hr interview. My current ctc is 3.32l and my expectation is 6.0 L. If they negotiate i can come up to 5.5l. How i can handle the situation. Please answer.
You are a project manager working on gathering requirements and establishing estimates for the project. Which process group are you in? A. Planning B. Executing C. Initiation D. Controlling
What is anomalous pancreatobiliary ductal union (APDU)? What is its significance?
how long does the install of oorexx take?
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Explain the Types of SQL synonyms in SAP HANA?
Is c# good for web development?