how to calculate no. of earthing pits and their diamensions? no. of lightning arrester rods which are required to protect a building of 35 mtr and we calculate?
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what is schema of broker?
Why we are using def keyword for method?
When you install SAP SRM application, what technical components get install with SRM software?
Scaffolding IS code NO.
records can be read/update/deleted with which file?
When an ods is in 'overwrite' mode, does uploading the same data again and again create new entries in the change log each time data is uploaded?
Can we call stored procedure in trigger?
HI, i am jayakumar, a B.E graduate of ECE. i have applied for officer trainee written test exam which is going to be conducted by hindustan petroleum corporation limited. currently the writen test of it, has been postponed from febuary to someother day without releasing the date. i am searching for question related to the writen test that whould be asked during the event of the test. if you possess the questions, pls email it to this id
define audit library command?
What is laravel vue?
what is 2062 stands for in is2062 material?
Explain the difference between sql invalidation and sql notification.
Explain briefly what is meant by trap and a trapdoor?
Can we convert pdf file to ppt?
What is the difference between multicast and unicast?