create a class complex having real and imaginary part of a complex no. as a data member. overload the binary operators(+,- and *) to perform the operations on complex no. objects. overload binary operator using friend function.
2 4999Post New Delhi University OOPS Interview Questions
What are the different storage options with Azure?
Which c++ operator cannot overload?
What is the purpose of the sql select top clause?
Highlight the need for Performance Tuning.
what are your pet peeves?
What is job family? How is it different from job codes in ps?
Why computer science?
Can you have both 32 bit and 64 bit excel?
What is BIBO stability?
Explain key features of Spark
I am located outside of the united states. Are there any restrictions or requirements for accessing the windows sharepoint services?
How do you spell lable or label?
Which daemon controls the print spooling process?
What are the sizes of the Azure VM?
Why is inheritance used in java?