Enlist few frameworks in java to implement soap web services.
What Entry Will Be Passed, When Debentures Are Issued at Par?
Mention what are the types of Http requests?
Explain servlet.
What is the use of glacial acetic acid?
Is null always defined as 0(zero)?
Hi, I want to import my Transport request from DEV. to Test system (from STMS buffer of DEV.(domain only) but I don’t want Login/PWD screen while importing from DEV to Test System. But I need login/pwd screen while importing TR from Test to PRD system. Presently I have activated all systems as a non trusted systems. If any one has idea please let me know. Thanks in advance! Regards, Raj Chavan.
Please explain empty elements in html?
3. Use layered architecture for coding. s.no name description 1 abc xxxxxxxxx 2 abc xxxxxxxxx 3 4 5 6 7 8 Select all Clear all Add Delete Name Description Save close
Suppose there is one sender and we have three receivers. While generating an idoc will it generate 3 idocs for three receivers? Explain in detail how the flow goes from outbound to inbound systems?
Why neo4j is used?
What is the use of parameters and variables in semantic layer?
How do I compare two binary files?
What is not true about the android application lifecycle?
What is the difference between the context filter to other filters?